DebiCheck allows you to stay in control of your money. It has been designed to protect you from fraud and cybercrime — preventing unauthorised debit orders from bleeding your account

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DebiCheck is confirming, electronically and on a once-off basis (when signing a new contract with a company), your debit order with your bank.

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  • You have just received a new African Bank Loan or Credit Card and arranged for a debit order to pay the instalments, or the information on an existing DebiCheck debit order has changed

  • You will receive a notification of the new DebiCheck debit order from your transactional bank

  • If everything is correct, you will need to confirm the DebiCheck debit order details

  • A valid and confirmed DebiCheck debit order has now been arranged between you and African Bank

  • Each month, your bank will check against the confirmed DebiCheck debit order details before the African Bank debit order is submitted for payment.
  • on your cellphone using your banking app or by following the electronic prompts 
  • at your bank’s branch 
  • through your bank’s contact centre 
  • by logging on to your internet banking.

You will therefore need to ensure that your bank has your updated cellphone number and that all your contact details with the bank are up to date.

The DebiCheck website is equipped with a library of information to assist you on this journey so that you are always informed. The FAQ section provides all the guidance you may need to gain better understanding about DebiCheck.

Always be aware. Fraudsters know all the tricks, so in the event that you do get caught and believe your information has been compromised, change your internet banking passwords and advise your bank immediately

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